KCR's Farmhouse: Where Chickens and Chicanery Meet!!

Sindujaa D N
KCR's Farmhouse: Where Chickens and Chicanery Meet!!

- kcr transforms farm into political hub

- Critics dub it "farmhouse diplomacy"

- party members left snapping pics with scarecrows 

Hyderabad: In a dramatic twist to Telangana's political scene, kcr, renowned for his astute leadership and farm-to-table approach, has turned his farm into the state's newest political arena. What was once a quiet retreat for the former chief minister has now become the epicenter of what locals are calling "Farmhouse Diplomacy."

Gone are the days of stuffy party offices and predictable agendas. kcr, ever the innovator, has taken to conducting high-stakes meetings amidst the verdant fields and grazing livestock of his estate. Political insiders joke that navigating through cornfields and herding cows has become the new prerequisite for attending a kcr session.

"This is next-level politics," remarked one bemused party member, clutching a handful of freshly picked carrots as a souvenir. "You haven't truly debated policy until you've done it surrounded by sunflowers and startled hens."

However, not everyone is thrilled with this bucolic turn. Critics accuse kcr of creating a "farmocracy," where access to power is as elusive as catching a rooster at dawn. "If you want to meet kcr, you better bring your gardening gloves and a GPS," quipped one opposition leader.

Adding to the intrigue, KCR's sudden aversion to selfies has left party members in a wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">digital dilemma. "We used to measure our political clout by the number of kcr selfies we snagged," lamented a party stalwart, now resigned to posing with scarecrows instead.

As the saga continues, with kcr sowing seeds of political strategy alongside rows of tomatoes, one thing remains clear: in Telangana, where kcr goes, politics follows—whether through fields of wheat or fields of twitter feeds.

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