Telangana braces for above-normal rainfall despite monsoon pause

Even though the monsoon arrived early this year, Telangana—including Hyderabad—has not received a lot of rain. Rather, after the first few days of the monsoon, the area has experienced an increase in temperature as well as sporadic and isolated downpours.
Based on statistics from the telangana Development Planning and Society (TGDPS), as of june 16, telangana has received a total rainfall of 69.8 mm, which is somewhat more than the typical average of 61.2 mm. The State has only had noteworthy rainfall from june 6 to june 9, with an average rainfall that falls between normal and excessive.

Nonetheless, from July to September, the State is predicted to see above-normal to excessive rainfall, according to meteorologist T balaji, also referred to as the telangana Weatherman. balaji says that Telangana's monsoon pattern this year could be similar to that of 2019, with significant rainfall predicted for July.
He stated, "The current break in the monsoon and the subsequent increase in temperatures are typical phenomena associated with early monsoons," adding that the state will see isolated, dispersed rainfall until the end of the month. "Hopefully starting in mid-July, the State would receive substantial and widespread rainfall," he continued.

The US-based National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently declared that El Niño conditions, which usually reduce India's monsoon rains, had gone, which has added to the confidence. ENSO-neutral circumstances have taken their place, and by July, there's a good chance that La Niña conditions will emerge. Strong monsoons, above-average rainfall, and colder temperatures are linked to La Niña, which may deliver much-needed rain to the nation.

The State had 1,387.8 mm of annual rainfall in 2022–2023—the greatest amount in 19 years, according to TGDPS. The next highest was 1,180.5 mm in 2021–22, while the second highest was 1,322.4 mm in 2020–21. The state saw 994.8 mm of rainfall in 2023–2024—a little more than the typical amount.
While the amount of rainfall in telangana this year may not be as high as it was in 2020 and 2022, meteorologists predict that telangana will receive significant rainfall in the coming year.

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