Absence of Hyderabad..!? Major Problem in AP..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Absence of Hyderabad..!? Major Problem in AP..!?
 - Partition Act guarantees close on june 2.
- ap people are wrong in telangana government appointments.
-There is a problem for ap because of the absence of hyderabad in these two sectors.
In another 2 days, hyderabad will become the capital of Telangana. In particular, the tenth anniversary of hyderabad as the common capital mentioned in the Partition Act is coming to an end. With this, there will no longer be a common capital for AP. However, the emotional bond continues. Because the people of ap have bonded with Hyderabad. However, with Ummadi leaving as the common capital, the two losses with hyderabad will become a curse for the people of AP.
Major among these are jobs. ap has some share in all the jobs filled by the telangana Govt in hyderabad as per the Partition Act. However, it was limited to ten years only. It ends on june 2nd. Henceforth, in every notification given by the telangana government, the quota for ap people will be raised. As a result, in the government jobs filled there, ap students, unemployed people, and neighboring states will be considered. Thus the chances will be greatly reduced.

There is no doubt that this will lead to missed opportunities. Also, if we look at it in terms of employment, even if it does not show much effect on it, the subsidies received from the governments and other subsidies will not be received. However, in the private sector, employment will continue only based on skill development. However, due to the growing youth population in telangana, there is a possibility that this employment will also be affected.

In both these fields, ap students and youth will have the same opportunities as in hyderabad and other state capitals. However, the effect will be more. It depends on factors like new cities, capital, etc. in AP. Here too, if the situation in the next five years is the same as the last five years, there is no doubt that there will be more problems. So I have to say that there is a problem for ap because of the absence of hyderabad in these two sectors.

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