Disease X: Scientists warn about the next pandemic...

S Venkateshwari
Disease X: Scientists warn about the next pandemic...

Scientists are raising the alarm about a potential catastrophe in the future by suggesting that Disease X may be the source of the next pandemic. A well-known enemy linked to seasonal sickness, influenza, has surdata-faced as a potential threat for this erratic and potentially catastrophic role. An international study, scheduled for publication this coming weekend, will disclose that, according to 57% of leading disease experts, an influenza virus strain is now most likely to be the cause of the next worldwide outbreak of "deadly infectious illness."

Pandemics can start with an influenza outbreak.

WHO cautions that seasonal flu is more than just a wintertime annoyance. An estimated 1 billion people worldwide contract the flu each year, and millions more experience serious complications. It gets worse: every year, it takes hundreds of thousands of lives. The WHO warns us to take influenza seriously and emphadata-sizes the risks of novel strains against which people are immune.

Research by Jon Salmanton-García of Cologne university supports this worry. According to his research, influenza poses the greatest threat to the impending global pandemic because to its constant mutation and evolution. "You may consider these outbreaks of winter influenza to be mini pandemics. Although this won't always be the case, they are largely under control because the many strains that cause them aren't virulent enough. As reported by the Guardian, he stated.

Researchers alert us about Disease X

The ESCMID meeting the following weekend will see the announcement of the survey results. Experts believe that the mysterious "DiseaseX" virus is the second most likely pathogen to cause a pandemic, after influenza. Experts predict that, similar to Covid-19, which killed millions of people worldwide and is still a menace, a new strain of this virus may appear "out of the blue."

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