Why is Jan 24th observed as International Education Day?

S Venkateshwari
Why is Jan 24th observed as international education Day?

Every year on january 24, people around the world observe the international Day of Education. The festival, with the theme "learning for lasting peace," is in its sixth year this year.

Numerous events are planned to commemorate the day, including a festival themed "Learning to take care of oneself, others and the planet," a "High-level dialogue on learning for lasting peace" at UNHQ (New York), and much more.

Why is january 24th the day it is observed?

The United Nations General assembly (UNGA) on december 3, 2018, passed a resolution designating january 24 as the international Day of education for 2018. On january 24, 2019, the inaugural international Day of education was commemorated. Ever since, january 24 has been observed globally as international Day of Education. The sixth year of celebration will be in 2024.

Recognizing the theme for this year

The celebrations in 2024 will have "learning for lasting peace" as their subject. According to UNESCO, the idea behind this theme is that there is a worrying rise in racism, xenophobia, discrimination, and hate speech around the world, which is occurring in tandem with an increase in violent conflicts. The effects of this violence cut across all boundaries—geographical, gendered, racial, religious, political, and offline/online. Today more than ever, there is a pressing need to actively pursue peace. The UNESCO Recommendation on education for Peace, Human Rights, and Sustainable Development emphadata-sizes the importance of education in this effort. In order to provide students with the knowledge, values, attitudes, abilities, and behaviors needed to become peace agents in their communities, education for peace must be transformative.

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