Artificial Intelligence Traffic Management System in Chennai

frame Artificial Intelligence Traffic Management System in Chennai

The Corporation is going to implement Intelligent Transport System in Chennai. Out of which 165 traffic junctions will be upgraded.
Chennai metropolitan area has more than 500 traffic signals and more than 200 major traffic junctions. Morning and evening traffic in chennai is heavy. Due to this, vehicles have to wait at signals for a long time. During these times, ambulances and emergency vehicles are unable to reach on time.
Smart City Corporation of chennai Corporation is going to implement Intelligent Transport System to solve this. The project will be implemented in two phases. 165 traffic junctions mainly in chennai will be upgraded in traffic information and management system. An adaptive traffic signal control system will be installed at these junctions. At present the signals are operated either by the traffic guard or by a certain time. In this adaptive mode the signals are set to open automatically.
For example, if there are too many vehicles at a traffic intersection, the signal will automatically open. If an ambulance is detected at a signal, 4 consecutive signals will be opened and steps will be taken to allow the ambulance to proceed without obstruction. Apart from this, technology to detect people who violate red lights and technology to detect people going over speed will also be set up.

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