The Man who saved Millions of Lives with ORS dies...
The father of Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) Dr dilip Mahalanabis passed away at the age of 88 in Kolkata. He was battling with a long illness for a long time. Mahalanabis saved millions of lives during the bangladesh War of 1971 because of ORS. He is credited with developing life-saving solutions and popularizing oral rehydration therapy (ORT).Dr dilip Mahalanabis first used ORS in the 1970s while treating lakhs of Bangladeshi refugees in camps near Bangaon, West Bengal. According to a report, Mahalanabis cured many people suffering from cholera with this ORS and it proved to be a life-saving boon. Mahalanabis got world recognition for this work. Many international organizations including the World health Organization have also recognized his work and awarded him many awards.
Doctor dilip Mahalanabis, primarily known as a paediatrician, started work on ORT as soon as he stepped into public health in 1966. Researched ORT with Dr richard A Cash and David R Nalin from the Johns Hopkins university international Center for Medicine Research and Training in Kolkata. After that, he worked on ORS and made it.Millions of lives were saved during the 1971 warICMR-NICED director Shanta Dutt said that ORS was the great discovery of Mahalanabis. His contribution to this is phenomenal. During the 1971 war, when lakhs of refugees were forced to leave east Pakistan, they were kept in camps. But the disease of cholera had spread in Shivers. Hundreds of people started dying. Then Dr Mahalanabis used ORS solution along with his staff and saved millions of lives.What is ORS?ORS is a powder of solution. Which is dissolved in water and drunk. In which a mixture of table salt, baking soda and commercial glucose is used to treat diarrheal diseases. Whenever people have cholera, doctors advise them to drink ORS solution. Due to the lack of water in the body, the electrolyte level deteriorates. ORS solution works to maintain the amount of sodium or potassium in the human body. This helps the intestines to absorb more water. From time to time, the government has also got it distributed free of cost under its schemes.