Remedies to cure dark lips

Sekar Chandra
So are you one of those persons who is suffering from black lips ? Is you lips losing its shine and luster ? This happens in few cases where the lips turn black. Despite you intake healthy food and do regular exercise, this black lips stays still. There is no use in applying expensive lip balms too. We are providing you some natural remedy. This will help you to bring back the moisture and pinkness of your lips back.

1. Weekly Scrub

Use a natural lip scrubber once in every week to remove all the dead cells from your skin. This also brings back the suppleness. Just mix few drops of olive oil and one tea spoon of sugar. Rinse off and apply healing lip butter or your lip moisturizer.

2. Lemon

Lemon is used to treat the dark skin patches and the bleaching properties will lighten the dark lips. Squeeze a lemon and apply it on your lips before hitting the bed. If not, take a thin slice of lemon. Apply Sugar over it and rub that on your lips. It will remove dead cells and make way for fresh skin.

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