Mother's Day Beauty tips for Women all over the globe


Try Egg white facials make my data-face feel amazing. It’s literally just egg whites whipped until they are foamy and applied thickly. Just let it dry and then wash it off. You can add a drop of lavender or tea tree oil if you want, too.

Never skip curling your eyelashes. It may seem like an expendable step when you're pressed for time, but those few seconds you spend curling your lashes make more of impact than anything else in your routine. Heat the curler for a few seconds with your blow dryer, then curl away for brighter, healthy looking eyes.

Look for mascara that lengthens, and be sure to apply two coats. Use a lash brush to separate lashes and remove excess mascara between coats to avoid clumps and raccoon eyes. Longer lashes give the illusion of bright eyes, a big helper to tired teenage girl.


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