How to maintain healthy Skin this summer?



Exfoliating an essential part of the skin care regime as it helps in removing the dead cells from the skin. However, make sure you are not rubbing your skin too hard while exfoliating as it can damage and irritate the layers on your skin. Be gentle on your data-face and use cotton to pat dry it. Exfoliate twice a week to keep your skin glowing.

Avoid Oily Foods

When it comes to maintaining a healthy skin, oily food can make or break the deal. Having oily or fried food in summers could be extremely bad for your skin as it may trigger acne breakouts that can further lead to stubborn pigmentation spots.

Don't wear Synthetic Clothes

To avoid excessive sweating, make sure that you are not wearing synthetic clothes. Instead, opt for cotton clothes as they will allow air to pass through which will further prevent sweating, rashes and itchiness on the skin.

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