Educational loan killed a women.!! Her body reached India through funds.!

Sindujaa D N
Even in poverty, the parents educated their daughters beyond their means. The father wanted to send his daughter abroad even though he was a lorry driver. She took a loan from the bank and sent it to London. She was unable to pay off her debt at home or pay university fees abroad. The poor parents decided not to bother yet. Finally committed suicide in London. 

Those parents who could not afford to bring back at least the dead body were struggling. Some kind-hearted people brought the dead body to india with donations. Her hopes of pursuing higher studies abroad and getting a good job were not fulfilled. She was haunted by the pain of not being able to support her parents who had made her study beyond their means even in poverty. 

 This incident shocked her parents. It seems that the reason for Shravani's sudden decision was financial difficulties. Her father Ramesh Baswaraju works as a lorry driver while her mother Vijaya is a housewife. The family members could not even afford to take Shravani's body home. With this, the UK nri Forum came forward. Collected funds online.  

Help is requested to send the dead body to India. The Forum's efforts received massive support. Financial assistance of Rupees.30 lakh has so far been received to help Shravani's family. Her brother Bharat Baswaraju said that Shravani's body will reach the rajiv gandhi International airport in hyderabad at 10 am on Thursday. With the news of Shravani's death, there was sadness in Varang.

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