Shruti Haasan on Seeking Such Bold Roles...

Shruti has starred in both critically acclaimed and commercially unsuccessful movies. The actor seems to have now purposefully achieved a balance between mainstream and alternative cinema as well as the women possess the attitude of "I do what I want to do and how I want to do," and this has translated into their careers. It's been a little trickier for some of us. I'm adapting and understanding that there is a specific place and time for me. I now search for things in my life and personality that I lack.
Therefore I am choosing those characters and women to play where I no longer need to say, 'Well this corresponds to my own character' rather than focusing on the broader impulses of women and their reasons. We are all so unique, nuanced, and multidata-faceted. I believe I have made that decision because I want to relate to every lady and her story."

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