Does a sanitary pad really get decomposed in 800 years?

S Venkateshwari
Does a sanitary pad really get decomposed in 800 years? 

After puberty, every girl and woman has to go through periods every month. This is a topic which is now being discussed openly. The market has taken full advantage of this problem of women which has been going on for years. There is no dearth of companies selling sanitary pads in the market. Some companies claim that they will not stain while others promise that they will last for a long time. In such a situation, do you know how big a danger these sanitary pads used by women during periods are? 

Does a sanitary pad get finished in 800 years?

Renowned companies making sanitary pads are using plastic on a large scale in them. According to the 2018-19 report of the Central pollution Control Board, 90% plastic is put in sanitary pads, due to which 33 lakh tons of plastic waste is generated every year in India.

A shocking report has come out about sanitary pads in the year 2021 in India. If the report of an environment group named 'Toxic Links' is to be believed, this year 1230 crore sanitary pads were thrown in the dustbin. It is worth noting that a sanitary pad causes as much damage to the environment as four plastic bags. On the other hand, if they are buried in the soil, they work to eliminate the micro-organisms present in the soil, which also has a bad effect on greenery. Talking about the life of a sanitary pad, most sanitary pads contain glue and super absorbent polymer (SAP), which can take 500 to 800 years to decompose.

Can sanitary pads cause cancer?

According to the report of 'Menstrual Waste 2022' released in India, a chemical called Phthalates is used in sanitary napkins. This chemical can cause a dangerous disease called cancer. Apart from this, it can also cause problems of infertility, PCOD and endometriosis. This can lead to paralysis as well as loss of memory.

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