Severe stage of Postpartum Depression??
In a famous hollywood film Shutter Island, the wife of the protagonist Leonardo DiCaprio kills her children. When the story opens, it seems that he did this because of depression. There are times when life gets bent on copying art. On the same lines, in heart-wrenching news recently, a mother in delhi killed her two-month-old daughter and hid it in the microwave. According to the initial police investigation, the mother appeared to be mentally unstable. news of many such incidents comes from all over the world. Often in these cases, the mother is a victim of a particular mental condition. It is a depression that arises in mothers after motherhood, that is why it is called postpartum depression.
According to research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of America, about one in every eight women suffers from Postpartum Depression. It usually makes mothers their victims 4 weeks after giving birth to the child. This practice brings about chemical, social and psychological changes in the pregnant woman. It is also commonly called 'baby blues'.
What is the reason for this depression?Three days after giving birth, there is a lot of change in the hormones of women. It is believed that due to this hormonal change, the role of this depression is tied. However, no clear information has been found about this till now. Sometimes social pressure also becomes the reason for postpartum depression. According to statistics, one in every 1000 mothers is a victim of its severe stage postpartum psychosis.