Srija Reddy-One stop solution for thousands of problems

Mamatha Reddy.

We all know the Autism disorder in kids which is seen more frequently now a days. Many mothers are worried for their kids as they have no idea of what Autism means. Besides a mother whose son is suffering from this disorder started working through it and started her journey towards success. She is none other than world famous Techie koti reddy Saripalli’s wife Srija reddy Saripalli. The trails she had made to find the solution for her son’s hearing problem has now became a boon to the autism kids worldwide.

Autism is a developmental disorder among children. There is no cure for this restricted and repetitive behavioral disorder. Children with Autism experience worsening in communication and social skills. Srija reddy rise to the occasion when their only son Samhit was diagnosed with this disability. She came to know that there are children who recovered. After consulting many doctors, the couple decided not only to help their kid, but also many. Now, they started an organisation ‘Pinnacle Blooms’ where many children like their son are getting good treatment and betterment in their condition. Here all poor autism children can get completely free treatment and concession is given for people from backward classes in the society.

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