Singapore Stone, King Shulan... Singapore part of India?

Sudha Subbiah

Singapore Stone, king Shulan... singapore part of India?

One thing is being discussed the most about prime minister Narendra Modi's visit to Singapore. PM Modi has talked about building many Singapores in India. singapore is a small island country spread over 719 square kilometers, which is counted among the most modern and rich countries of the world.

singapore is so small in front of india that god knows how many countries can fit in india as big as it. This was PM Modi's sixth visit to singapore in his 10-year tenure. The strengthening of relations between the two countries is being discussed everywhere, but do you know that the connection between india and singapore is thousands of years old. Perhaps from the time when singapore used to be Singhpura or even older when it was known as Temasek.

How did Temasek become Singapore?

Before the 14th century, singapore used to be known as Temasek. In india, it was then known as the Golden Island. If we believe the Malay folk tales, the ancestors of the king who first ruled singapore came from India. Stories related to this king are also found in the book Sejarah Melayu, the history of Singapore. According to this, there used to be a king of Kalinga country in india, whose name was Shulan. According to the book, Shulan was a descendant of the Greek emperor Alexander.

Who named singapore Singhpura?

Once king Shulan set out to attack china with warships. During this time, his eyes fell on Temasek i.e. Singapore. It happened that the way to china was very long, so king Shulan decided to stop in Temasek. During this time, a Chinese spy deceived him and told a false story that china is very far away, he will not be able to reach. king Shulan also believed him and he stayed in Temasek. It was told in the book that later king Shulan married a princess of Temasek. After this, one of his descendants was Nila Uttam, who changed the name of Temasek to Singhpura.

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