PROOF - Rapido Taxi Driver Arrested after he Harassed a Woman

In recent headlines, a sad incidence of suspected sexual harassment and improper texts addressed at a female client brought bike taxi services back into the limelight for all the wrong reasons. The perpetrator was apprehended thanks to the victim's courageous use of social media to speak out, tag the city police and the Rapido bike taxi firm. It is obvious that quick action is required to guarantee the safety and wellbeing of customers using these services while authorities wait for the victim's statement before taking legal action.
K. Shivappa Hasan, a 23-year-old Haveri construction worker, said that he was standing in for his friend, the true bike taxi rider, who was out of the country on leave, in the event in issue. Concerns concerning the verification and screening processes used by bike taxi businesses when employing drivers have been raised in light of this finding. The victim's testimony will be essential in deciding how to proceed against the accused now that he is in custody.
The victim described her terrifying ordeal, which started when she reserved a Rapido bike to drive home after taking part in a rally against the violence in Manipur. The upsetting incident began when the driver claimed that his registered car was getting maintenance when he came on a different bike from the one shown on the app. The victim decided to take the journey despite her worries after checking the reservation through the driver's smartphone.
The woman became concerned for her safety as the driver's activities throughout the journey took a troubling turn, including indecent acts and riding with just one hand. She struggled to remain calm and suffered the trauma in quiet. In order to protect her address, she paid for the transport online but asked the driver to drop her off roughly 200 metres away from her home. She was still in discomfort, though, since the driver kept calling and messaging her on whatsapp nonstop. She was forced to ban his number in order to stop the teasing.

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