Ghostly footprints that suddenly appear and disappear..!? Mystery..?

Sowmiya Sriram
Ghostly footprints that suddenly appear and disappear..!? Mystery..?
Researchers have discovered human footprints believed to be from the end of the last ice age. Researchers around the world continue to conduct many types of research related to the time of death. These researches continue in many dimensions like archaeological research and studies. In this case, researchers have gathered some information about the mysterious footprints that are said to be demon footprints in the Utah desert.
Urban and Darren Duke of the Far Western Anthropological Research Group found this rare information. While traveling the Utah desert for research, researchers have discovered a series of footprints known as ghost tracks that appear and disappear suddenly. These footprints, which are visible at certain humidity levels, become invisible at a slight increase in temperature. As it appears and disappears so suddenly, many call it the ghost's footprints.
In this case, after catching the eye of the researchers, the specific area where the footprints were was brought under investigation. The researchers, who said it was an accidental discovery, went to the area and carried out the study. The study found human footprints believed to be from the end of the last ice age.
 It is said to be the footprint of the human race that lived approximately 12 thousand years ago. 88 footprints were found, including those of children, and adults. Researchers have noted that these footprints provide evidence of families living in that period.
The researchers also say that the specific place would have been a muddy area with specific sand and moisture, and the sand became fossilized after the footprints that walked then, and it may have remained intact. The footprints are said to have remained intact as the area remained dry for nearly 10,000 years.

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