Ambani and Tata who poured crores in IPL..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Ambani and Tata who poured crores in IPL..!?
bcci has made a profit of around 5120 crores in the 2023 IPL series. It means that only the profit after expenses is 5120 crores out of the total income. This is the biggest profit in a single year in the history of IPL. In the 2022 IPL series, bcci had a profit of only 2367 crore rupees. bcci earns 116 percent more profit than that in the IPL series. They point to broadcasting licenses and advertising contracts as the main reason for this. With the 2022 IPL series, the broadcasting and advertising licenses that had been in place for the previous five years came to an end.
This time the television license was sold separately, and the streaming license for web and mobile broadcasting was sold separately. jio Cinema had bought the streaming license for Rs 23,758 crore. Disney Star bought the tv license for Rs 23,575 crore. It is to be noted that this is a five-year contract. Disney and JioCinema have offered to pay a total of Rs 48,390 crore for the five-year license from 2023 IPL to 2027 IPL. Tata also bagged an advertising deal for the IPL name. The company offered to pay Rs 2,500 crore for five years. Apart from this, MyCircle 11, Rube, Angel One and CEAT have signed advertising contracts worth Rs 1485 crore. 3780 crores for a year broadcasting license for the 2022 IPL series. However, the one-year broadcast license for the 2023 IPL series has increased to Rs 8,744 crore. The main reason for this is that tv licenses and streaming licenses are sold separately. With this, bcci earned 11,769 crores in the 2023 IPL series. At the same time, the expenses of the IPL series also increased. bcci is spending 6648 crore rupees to host the 2023 IPL series. 5120 crore rupees as profit before expenses. Ambani's jio Cinemas and Tata's were the main reasons behind the increase in revenue over the previous years.

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