Tamil Month Margazhi dedicated to Lord Vishnu


Margazhi is a time to bring balance and stability to the system. There are practices in the yogic system which has been transmitted into the culture in many different ways. This is a time when men will do what generally women are supposed to do, and vice versa. In Tamilnadu, men will go on nagarasankeertan; they will sing and practice devotion which is largely considered feminine. Geometry and masculinity are very directly connected.

The feminine always pays maximum significance to an object’s color and outer form. The masculine always sees the geometric base first. In this month, women practice geometry not on paper, but in front of their homes, drawing geometrical figures or kolams.

The Margazhi brings a natural sense of stability into the system. There are any number of spiritual seekers who are constantly one step forward, one step backward. This is happening to too many people because there is not enough sadhana towards stabilizing themselves. If you are pulled upward and you are not stable within yourself, it will lead to imbalances. 

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