Today is Akshaya Tritiya, the Auspicious Day for Gold


According to gold industry pundits, Akshaya in Sanskrit means one that ‘never diminishes’ and the day is believed to bring good luck and success. Hindus who imbibe what is originally called ‘Sanatana Dharma’ believe they can get lasting prosperity by buying precious metals on the day. Akshaya Tritiya is traditionally earmarked for beginning new ventures, for investing and purchasing valuables especially gold, jewelry and diamond.

It is no surprise Indians buy gold on Akshaya Tritiya as it is considered very auspicious and a safe investment. It is also believed that any meaningful activity started on this day would be fruitful. Meanwhile in fact people in India and overseas book jewellery in advance and take delivery on Akshaya Tritiya day. It is a day of frenzy buying for all precious metals especially gold. Sales on Akshaya Tritiya day usually increases four to five times compared to normal days.

Traditionally the preference for customers is to buy light weight jewelry, diamond jewelry but today’s economic superpower India sees several buyers preferring diamond jewelry purchases. According to ‘Jyotisa’ the ancient Indian system of astronomy and astrology, the entire Akshaya  Tritiya day is auspicious. So there is no need to look for an auspicious time i.e. no ‘muhurat’ required on this day.

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