What GOOD FRIDAY means??


Good Friday is not a day of celebration for Christians .Its is on that day our Lord Jesus Christ had a horrendous journey to be hung on cross for nearly 6 hours.It is considered holy to meditate on the pain that Jesus underwent on the cross.The words that he spoke on the cross are preached as the sermon on that day.But why did this horrible blood shed day get its name as Good Friday.It actually means holy in one sense.In other sense, people call it good because he died on the cross just to save mankind from evil.

Jesus' death means we have a chance of everlasting salvation – and for the faithful that is a very good thing indeed.To mark the bitter-sweet significance of Good Friday, not only is it a bank holiday in many countries across the world, but in the Catholic Church in particular, it is a day of fasting.

What in particular should be fasted however, is meat. As one Catholic said to me: "Because Christ sacrificed His flesh on Good Friday, we abstain from eating flesh." This is why many people eat fish on Good Friday instead.

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