TN Fisheries Minister assured the House for ‘FISH FEAST’ for members


Chennai sources have stated that Tamilnadu Assembly yesterday had witnessed lighter moments in contrast to heated exchanges, when Fisheries Minister D Jayakumar had given an assurance to the House that he would arrange for a fish feast for members. Meanwhile during the question hour, Radhapuram MLA I S Inbadurai sought for cold storage facility in Idinthakarai, by saying the fish of the coastal village was the tastiest in the whole of Tamilnadu. 

He further said a cold storage facility would help fishermen improve their livelihood and also open up window for exports. Mr. Jayakumar, who is also the Finance Minister, said he would arrange for it on the day when Demand for Grant to Fisheries was taken up and added whether it is raw fish or fish curry or roast, it will be provided to the members.

Jayakumar added that the government would take steps and support it and he said and noted that already there were fish processing parks in places including Kanyakumari. Further Inbadurai thanked Mr. Jayakumar for assuring "fish feast" and reiterated the demand for cold-storage.

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