These 9 signs are seen in the body before a heart attack, if you get treatment in time, your life will be saved

These 9 signs are seen in the body before a heart attack, if you get treatment in time, your life will be saved

In today's time, the risk of heart attack has increased for the elderly as well as the youth. The reason for this is bad lifestyle and eating habits, which along with accumulating fat in the arteries, stops the flow of blood, although some of its signs start appearing before the heart attack.

Heart Attack Signs And Symptoms: With changing lifestyle and bad eating habits, cases of heart attack are increasing. Not only the elderly, in many cases the youth have also reached the hospital due to heart attack. At the same time, many people die on the spot. The reason behind heart attack is reduced or sudden stoppage of blood flow. As soon as the blood supply stops or stops, the person stops breathing. According to experts, the reason behind sudden heart attack is high cholesterol, fat deposited in the veins and excessive increase in fat. This is also called plaque.

When the plaque bursts, many times its clot gets accumulated in the veins and stops the flow of blood. Due to sudden stoppage of blood circulation, the person's heart beat increases rapidly and a heart attack occurs. Experts claim that some of its signs start appearing about 2 to 10 days before a heart attack. You should recognize these signs and consult a doctor immediately. This can prevent a heart attack. Let us know what are those 9 signs, by recognizing which you can avoid a heart attack.

These signs appear 2 days before a heart attack

Heart experts say that the reason behind a heart attack is a person's eating habits and his bad lifestyle. heart attack occurs when plaque forms in the veins. This creates an obstruction in the supply of blood in the veins. Due to the stoppage of blood for a few minutes, the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart is formed. This causes a heart attack. However, before a heart attack occurs, its signs start appearing. Due to not being able to recognize them, people ignore them. Let us know what are those symptoms that warn you before a heart attack occurs.

These 9 signs are seen before a heart attack

- 2-4 days before a heart attack, you may feel severe pain, pressure, tightness in the chest. This pain or discomfort reaches the shoulders, neck and jaws.

-Sweating suddenly increases even without doing any hard work.

-Body pain or extreme fatigue starts to be felt without doing any work or physical effort.

-There is a lot of burning sensation in the chest.

-Having indigestion is also a sign of this.

-Problems ranging from nausea to dizziness also indicate a heart attack. In such a situation, one must consult a doctor.

-Difficulty in breathing. Breathing with difficulty and lack of oxygen are also signs of a heart attack.

Do these things immediately if you get signs of a heart attack

If you get any sign of a heart attack, consult a doctor immediately. Do as advised by the doctor. Follow all the guidelines. Make changes in your diet. Along with getting good sleep, definitely include exercise in your routine.

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