Mandatory settlement of non Hungarian citizens by polling

Sekar Chandra

Sources have stated that Viktor Orban, Hungary’s Prime Minister, is not taking any chances and on state television, advertisements warn of a growing migrant menace, Billboards across the country proclaim that Brussels plans to relocate a city’s worth of potential terrorists to Hungary.

The ministers and lawmakers from the ruling right-wing Fidesz party are calling on supporters to go to the polls on 2nd October to make sure Orban gets the answer he wants to the following referendum question: “Do you want the European Union to be able to order the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary without Parliament’s consent?”

Under the terms of the European Council’s Emergency Response Mechanism, which was adopted last September, member states agreed to relocate 160,000 people under a quota system (those asylum seekers are currently living mainly in Greece and Italy). Hungary was penciled in to take 1,294 refugees, but, along with Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Romania. 

As tensions build between Hungary’s right-wing administration and more liberal governments and institutions outside the country’s data-borders, the reality on the ground has changed. Each day, only a handful of refugees try to enter Hungary before being turned back; in the summer of 2015, thousands crossed the data-border every day. 

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