Lots of Buzz on 'Gravitational waves'

Sekar Chandra
For past few days entire nations is buzzed with Gravitational waves. So we have consulted experts and we bring you about Gravitational waves. What are 'Gravitational waves' and Why should we care about them ? Gravitational waves ripples in Space/Time.

Albert Einstein already predicted this in his Theory of Relativity a century back. Gravitational waves do not interact with matter and travel through the Universe completely unimpeded. As per the theory, The object warps space and time and it is more like placing a bowling ball on a trampoline.

Other objects on the surdata-face will "fall" towards the centre. So if gravitational waves are found that would be the end of Einstein's theory. It would open new gates in field of astronomy. 

They are hard to detect and with these waves we can measure faraway stars, galaxies and black holes based on the waves they make. These waves have been detected indirectly. Still lots of  American astrophysicists are trying to identify these waves using a telescope called BICEP2, stationed at the South Pole.

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