How is World Thalassemia Day celebrated?

S Venkateshwari

How is World Thalassemia Day celebrated?

Hospitals, patient support groups, and community organizations plan a variety of events and activities on World Thalassemia Day. These initiatives could involve blood drives, educational seminars, patient support and research fundraising events, media and social media campaigns, and pushing for better healthcare policies and services for patients with thalassemia.

The diagnosis

"Diagnostic tests verify the types and severity of thalassemia, such as dna analysis and hemoglobin electrophoresis. Amniocentesis or CVS prenatal diagnostic can provide insight into the condition of the fetus. Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT (M)} enables the screening of embryos and the subsequent implanting of the healthy embryo. Proactive management, such as treatment programs and family planning choices, is made possible by early discovery. For preventive and better results, it is essential to empower people through screening programs that are easily accessible and education," says Dr. Dipanjana Datta, a genetic counselor at Renew Healthcare who is qualified as a BGCI Level II.

The Hb HPLC blood test is an essential tool for early detection of thalassemia, which is necessary for controlling the condition and ensuring future generations' well-being. Premarital screening enables couples to make well-informed decisions that facilitate seamless navigation of prenatal care and family planning. There is hope in preventing the birth of affected children through education and preventative actions including genetic counseling. Even though thalassemia may not always be visible through appearance, its effects can be severe enough to require lifetime therapies like iron chelation and blood transfusions in the event that there are no effective treatments available. We can lessen the toll that this genetic illness takes on families and healthcare systems by prioritizing early detection and encouraging premarital screening, which will improve everyone's health, according to Dr. Rahul Naithani, director & Head of Hematology & Bone Marrow Transplant at Paras health in Gurugram.

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