Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav will participate in Anandotsav?
Rahgiri is being organized in ujjain, the city of madhya pradesh chief minister Dr Mohan Yadav. chief minister Dr Mohan Yadav himself will participate in this Rahgiri on january 5, so preparations are starting for it. Rahgiri was started by chief minister Dr Mohan Yadav in ujjain before the Corona period. This event is organized with the cooperation of Municipal Corporation and district Administration.
ujjain collector Neeraj Kumar Singh said that Rahgiri was started with the aim of making people aware about health and getting up early in the morning to exercise. local sports also get a lot of promotion through Rahgiri. This event is Ujjain's own separate event. It is jointly organized by Municipal Corporation, district Administration, anand Department.
cm Yadav's official program has not come yet
It will be organized on Kothi Marg in ujjain on january 5 and january 19, for which preparations are being made. madhya pradesh chief minister Dr Mohan Yadav will participate in this event. His official program has not come yet, but he has given his approval to come to Ujjain. Rahgiri is organized on a 1 kilometer long route. It is organized only on Sundays so that everyone gets a chance to participate.
Exhibiting their respective arts
In the Rahgiri program, students and adults display their arts including music, sports, exercise, dance. According to Vaibhav Yadav, the coordinator of the musical group, people participate in the event with great enthusiasm. This event has been taking place continuously in ujjain for the last several years. One of its objectives is to provide a platform to the artists.