Revanth Reddy moving towards providing public welfare governance?

Sowmiya Sriram
Revanth reddy moving towards providing public welfare governance?

* cm revanth reddy is giving great importance to public welfare!
* revanth is making decisions on issues that benefit the people!
* revanth who implemented as many promises as possible.
The congress government that has come to power in telangana will gain good popularity due to cm revanth Reddy. As the leader of the telangana congress Party, cm revanth reddy is giving great importance to public welfare. Along with the promises given at the time of the election, taking decisions on many issues that benefit the people, they are moving towards providing a welfare regime. revanth reddy, who said that he would implement the guarantees when he comes to power, is keeping his word. revanth reddy immediately after taking oath as chief minister signed the implementation of some guarantees and implemented as many guarantees as possible within 100 days of his coming to power. However, the election code came into force in the middle and the implementation of some was hampered. Now that the election Code has expired, revanth reddy has started the implementation of the remaining promises. Recently two important decisions have been taken.
One of the major problems in any state is unemployment and another is the lack of quality free healthcare. revanth focused on these aspects. That is why revanth reddy stood by the unemployed by giving permission to fill 3,035 vacant posts in telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TGSRTC). Also, another work has been started which will benefit the people of telangana free of cost. This new project will be started very soon. revanth reddy announced that every citizen of the state will be given a wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">digital health profile card. He said that free medical care will be provided to all the people. revanth stood by the people of telangana by promising to mention the health problems of every citizen and all the health problems related to the blood group in the health profile card. If revanth continues like this, he will come to power again.

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