KK Pathak's arbitrariness cost him heavily! CM Nitish transferred him

KK Pathak's arbitrariness cost him heavily! cm Nitish transferred him

KK Pathak News: kk Pathak was appointed ACS in the education Department of bihar during the Grand Alliance government. As soon as he took charge, he made many changes in the education Department.

KK Pathak's arbitrariness cost him heavily! cm Nitish transferred him, know which department he was sent to

Additional Chief Secretary of education Department

Bihar's famous IAS officer kk Pathak has finally been transferred. The Nitish government has sent him from the education Department to the Land and Revenue Department. kk Pathak was often in the news for his decisions in the education Department. Many times cm Nitish was also seen upset due to his decisions. kk Pathak was working as Additional Chief Secretary (ACS) of the education Department since june 2023.

According to the information, the bihar government has transferred 8 IAS officers and given additional charge to two IAS officers. These include the names of Keket Pathak and S Siddharth. Rajkumar has been made the district Magistrate of Bhojpur again and Ashutosh Kumar Verma of Nawada. Both these DMs were removed during the lok sabha elections.

KK Pathak has gone on leave

The most talked about name in the transfer list of IAS officers is that of kk Pathak. The special thing is that this transfer has been done in his absence. kk Pathak is on a 28-day leave. He will return from leave by june 30. In his absence, S siddharth is handling the charge of Additional Chief Secretary of the education Department.

KK Pathak was appointed ACS in the education Department of bihar during the Mahagathbandhan government. As soon as he took charge, he started many changes in the education Department. From holidays to absences, many tough decisions were taken. Recently, he did change the timing of schools during the scorching heat but did not declare holidays. The result of which was that children started fainting in schools due to heat wave and extreme heat.

From the ruling party to the opposition, everyone expressed their displeasure over this. Finally, chief minister Nitish Kumar had to instruct Chief Secretary Brajesh Mehrotra to close the schools. Only then was an order issued to keep all schools closed in bihar from 30 May to 8 June.

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