Praise of RSS, anger on Modi-Shah... what is the game going on in Shiv Sena's mind?

Praise of RSS, anger on Modi-Shah... what is the game going on in Shiv Sena's mind?

Maharashtra Politics: shiv sena UBT leader sanjay raut has questioned the Sangh and asked whether their leaders will revolt against two big leaders who have crossed the limits of arrogance?

Praise of RSS, anger on Modi-Shah... what is the game going on in Shiv Sena's mind?

The politics of maharashtra has started changing once again. Nothing can be said right now about who will turn where, but the statements of the leaders have definitely heated up the atmosphere. shiv sena (UBT) has praised the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Along with this, PM narendra modi and amit shah have been targeted through Mohan Bhagwat's statement. shiv sena asked, 'Will bjp change its character after Mohan Bhagwat's lecture or not?'

Shiv Sena UBT leader and rajya sabha MP sanjay raut said that RSS is no longer listened to in BJP. RSS had even said that the alliance with shiv sena should not be broken. What happened? They broke shiv sena in maharashtra and then broke NCP. In such a situation, the question is, does bjp listen to RSS? RSS promoted bjp, gave it moral strength but in 10 years, bjp first destroyed RSS.

He further said that the way the game was played in maharashtra, so many leaders broke, bjp took corrupt people with them and captured power. ajit pawar and ashok Chavan, whom they were talking of putting in jail, bjp put them all in the washing machine, so that only we remain in the state. Whatever RSS says today, what is the benefit of it?

'Two big leaders who crossed the limits of arrogance'

Sanjay Raut has questioned the RSS and asked whether its leaders will rebel against two big leaders who crossed the limits of arrogance? Leaders like nitin gadkari and Shivraj Singh Chauhan associated with the RSS are sitting in the government. They have the courage to rebel against those who do not listen to the RSS.

He said that PM Modi and amit shah broke the limits. Does the RSS have the courage to rebel? What will happen by just talking? RSS will have to play a role in the interest of the country. nitin gadkari, Rajnath Singh, yogi adityanath sitting in the government are all silent.

Will the RSS oppose?

Maharashtra deputy chief minister Ajit Pawar's wife Sunetra Pawar filed nomination as an ncp candidate for the rajya sabha elections. sanjay raut reacted sharply to this and said that his wife will go to the rajya sabha with the help of the BJP. Will RSS protest?

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