Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Jaisalmer tour

Vice President jagdeep dhankhar on jaisalmer tour…

President jagdeep dhankhar will be on a two-day jaisalmer tour. He will reach jaisalmer airport today (12 June) by a special plane. The district administration and the Border Security Force have completed preparations for this visit of Vice President jagdeep Dhankhar. He will meet the soldiers deployed on the India-Pakistan international data-border and will visit Tanot Mata. district Collector Pratap Singh organized an important meeting in view of the Vice President's visit. Officers of many departments including the district administration and BSF were present in this meeting. The district Collector said that after reaching jaisalmer on Thursday, Vice President jagdeep dhankhar will go straight to the temple of Tanot Mata and offer prayers. After this, he will pay tribute to the martyrs.

Vice President will meet the soldiers of the indian Army

Vice President Babliyan will go to the data-border area to meet the soldiers deployed in the data-border area and after meeting the soldiers, he will rest for the night at the BSF rest house.

Dry run done for security arrangements

Vice President jagdeep dhankhar will leave for delhi on friday morning. The district Collector has given necessary guidelines to the officials for the arrangements for the visit of the Vice President. Different responsibilities have been distributed among the officials. Rest houses have been kept on reserved mode during the Vice President's visit to Tanot Mata Temple. At the same time, a dry run has been done for security arrangements.

Jagdeep Dhankhar is the 14th Vice President of the country

It is known that jagdeep dhankhar is the 14th Vice President of india and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. He used to be an advocate. Along with this, he has also taken over the responsibility of the governor of West Bengal. On august 11, 2022, jagdeep dhankhar took oath as the Vice President.

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