Use the water of these leaves for thick, long and soft hair, Hair Problems will also go away

Use the water of these leaves for thick, long and soft hair, Hair Problems will also go away

Hair Care With neem Leaves: It is good to use neem leaves for hair care and to remove hair problems.

Hair Care Tips: In a busy life, people are not able to take proper care of health. Similarly, due to lack of proper care of hair, hair related problems also start occurring. Dryness, dandruff and hair fall problems start occurring. people use hair care products to remove hair problems. However, hair products containing chemicals can damage the hair. In such a situation, you can use neem leaves for hair care.

Neem leaves water for hair

- neem leaves are used in many ways for health. It is also good for the skin. Its water can be used for hair care.

- To prepare neem leaves water, boil a handful of neem leaves in water. Wash hair thoroughly with this water.

- After washing hair with this water, clean the head with shampoo after some time. This makes the hair soft and thick. Doing this also removes the problem of dandruff.

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- You can also make a paste of neem leaves water and use it for hair care. For this, mix neem leaves water in curd. Apply it on the hair.

- Apply neem leaves water and curd on the hair and wash the hair thoroughly after 15-20 minutes. If you want, you can also use paste or powder of neem leaves.

- You can make a hair mask by mixing paste of neem leaves with aloe vera gel. You can use it for hair care. This will remove dandruff and scalp related problems from the hair.

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