The agreement made with Vajpayee was broken by Pakistan'

‘The agreement made with Vajpayee was broken by Pakistan'

Nawaz Sharif confessed the truth after 25 years

Nawaz Sharif said, 'President Bill Clinton offered 5 billion US dollars to stop pakistan from conducting nuclear tests, but I refused.

'The agreement made with Vajpayee was broken by Pakistan', Nawaz Sharif confessed the truth after 25 years

Former pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif has made a big disclosure. He admitted that pakistan had violated the agreement made with former indian prime minister atal bihari vajpayee in 1999. Sharif was referring to the Kargil war, when the Pakistani army led by General pervez musharraf tried to capture parts of India.

Addressing the party's general council after being elected president of the ruling pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), Nawaz Sharif said, 'On May 28, 1998, pakistan conducted 5 nuclear tests. After that, the then prime minister of india atal bihari vajpayee sahab came here and made an agreement with us. But we violated that agreement. It was our mistake.'

Nawaz Sharif and atal bihari vajpayee signed the Lahore Agreement here on february 21, 1999. This agreement, which talked about the vision of peace and stability between the two countries, marked a major breakthrough, but a few months later the Kargil war took place due to Pakistani infiltration in the Kargil district of Jammu and Kashmir.

'Got 5 billion dollar offer from America'

Amid the celebration of 26th anniversary of Pakistan's nuclear test, the former PM of pakistan said, 'President Bill Clinton had offered 5 billion US dollars to stop pakistan from conducting nuclear tests, but I refused. If a person like (former Prime Minister) imran khan was in my seat, he would have accepted Clinton's offer.' (With PTI input)

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