Loudspeakers removed from 250 religious places

Loudspeakers removed from 250 religious places…

The process of removing loudspeakers from religious places has started again in Madhya Pradesh. Loudspeakers have been removed from more than 250 religious places in Indore. Earlier, when the Mohan government was formed in the state, it was decided in the first cabinet that additional loudspeakers would be removed from religious places as per the supreme court guidelines. After the action in Indore, it is again being opposed. Shahar Qazi accused of targeting religious places.

Indore Shahar Qazi Ishrat ali along with his delegation reached to meet collector Ashish Singh on Monday. During this, Shahar Qazi referred to the supreme court guidelines to the collector, in which it is not written anywhere that loudspeakers should be removed from religious places. He said that it is written in the supreme court guidelines that the sound cannot be kept more than 55 decibels on loudspeakers. Qazi Ishrat ali said that we are ready to follow this rule. Loudspeakers will be run at low decibels only. Along with this, he opposed the removal of loudspeakers from religious places.

Questions raised on the action of the administration

Shahar Qazi Ishrat ali said that the kind of action being taken in Indore, when we talk about noise pollution, noise pollution will not be reduced by just removing loudspeakers, but it is also necessary to take action on the way dj is played at high volumes in weddings. We and you often see that when there is a wedding in someone's house, people go out on the roads playing dj with speakers in big vehicles, this also causes noise pollution somewhere. But, the administration is not able to stop it.

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