Jawahirullah Vs Irfan: Show no mercy in this case!

Jawahirullah Vs Irfan: Show no mercy in this case! 

Be the first to take action on Irfan! Jawahirullah!

YouTuber Irrfan's video regarding the gender of his unborn child caused a lot of controversy. After this he not only deleted the video but also apologized for doing such a thing.

Jawahirullah urged that appropriate action should be taken against Irfan who had set a wrong precedent by revealing the gender of his wife's unborn child.

YouTuber Irrfan's video regarding the gender of his unborn child caused a lot of controversy. Irfan, who had gone to dubai with his wife, had a scan. Then it was revealed that she was expecting a girl child. But it is a punishable offense under indian Medical Regulations.

In this case, the medical committee of the tamil Nadu government recommended immediate action against him. After this, YouTuber Irfan not only deleted the controversial video, but also apologized to the tamil Nadu government's medical department through whatsapp and cell phone for doing such a thing. However, it was reported that the medical department, which has accepted his apology, has decided not to take any action against him. But there is a demand from various quarters that action should be taken against Irfan.

In this case Jawahirullah insisted that strict action should be taken against Irfan. In his post in this regard, he has requested the chief minister of tamil Nadu that the tamil Nadu government should take appropriate legal action without showing mercy to Irban who has set a wrong precedent.

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