Chandra Babu: Will the Kuppam fort collapse?

On the one hand, Chandrababu is saying that he will form the government, but the actual situation looks different.. Especially the leaders of the ruling party YSP are also saying that they have already fixed the day of swearing-in for their victory for the second term. Due to this, a little confusion has started in the alliance. This suspense has to be fully lifted, which means we have to wait till june 4th.. andhra pradesh political affairs are already becoming a hot topic in both the telugu states.

The discussion is now being heard that Chandrababu's chances of defeat are very high in Kumpa, which Chandrababu is contesting compared to Pithapuram. Accordingly, Jaganmohan reddy seems to have focused on kuppam as part of the Y NOT 175 operation. A few days after coming to power, jagan Chandrababu, who paid special attention to the heap, made efforts to break the stronghold. It is becoming a topic of discussion that Chandrababu, who has served three times as chief minister, has very little chance of being elected as an mla this time.

All kinds of efforts were made to hoist the ycp flag in the heap. As proof of that, Chandrababu's majority is slowly decreasing after the emergence of the ycp party. His graph is also falling. It is reported that the equations are also changing in the background of the massive removal of stolen votes this time. Chandrababu, who has been mla for the people of kuppam for seven times, has been criticized for not doing anything.

Especially since ap cm jagan started a large-scale development program there, the shape of kuppam has also changed. Jaganmohan reddy has also shown that he has done things that did not happen when Chandrababu was the Chief Minister. With this, voting has now been recorded up to 89.88 percent. Especially Chandrababu's going to jail is also likely to be the main reason for defeat to some extent. And it is to be seen whether Chandrababu's fort will be collapsed or not.

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