Who will win in such a crucial constituency?

Sowmiya Sriram

Who will win in such a crucial constituency?

  machilipatnam constituency is also one of the constituencies where the most important leaders are contesting in AP. This seat will become a hot topic in any election. This time two Hemahemis are contesting from Machilipatnam. Former minister kollu ravindra is in the fray from tdp, while Nani's son Kittu is contesting from ycp, a firebrand ex-minister. And who will win in such a crucial constituency? Let's see the details of who will be Bandaru's Bad Shah.

  machilipatnam constituency itself is very hot. Here votes from Kapu social class are more. Whichever side they decide, that side will surely win. Also, the port here plays a vital role in port politics. Three generations have already worked as MLAs in this constituency. In such a key constituency, Kapu has 35% votes. At this time, political analysts say that the candidate contesting as part of tdp and janasena will get more votes. It is also said that since the Kapu leader is contesting from ycp, there is a possibility of splitting the votes on both sides.


In the 2019 election time, perni nani vs. kollu ravindra was a fierce contest. In that election, ycp got 44% and telugu desam party got 40%. Jana Sena got 13 percent and others three percent. ycp won there in 2019. perni nani won the 2019 elections due to the misconception that machilipatnam, where he served as a minister in the previous government, was not developed much. At such a time, there was no development during the five-year rule of the YSP. It seems that many people are looking towards kollu Ravindra. In the last elections, he lost to perni nani by just four thousand votes. Around 19,000 votes were cast for the janasena at this time. This time, ravindra will win if at least half of the janasena and bjp votes go to the tdp candidate.


 Services are done during Corona time.

Getting along with everyone.

Strengthening own cadre.

The beginning of the harbor port.


  kollu ravindra is a strong opponent.

  Lack of experience.

  Roads and other development works are not done in Machilipatnam.

The rise of ycp leaders.

  Jana Sena votes to come together to TDP.

  people are sick due to the waste from the chemical factory meeting in the drainage.

  Drinking water problems.

  kollu Ravindra:


Recognition as a senior leader.

  Being in active politics.

  Absence of dissident leaders in TDP.

  Staying away from reputational competition.

  Also meeting janasena, tdp, and BJP.


  Being a minister in 2014 and not developing.

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