Do you know about kogam fruit..? If you know its wonderful benefits, you won't let it go.

Do you know about kogam fruit..? If you know its wonderful benefits, you won't let it go.

Gokam agal fruit is rich in anti-bacterial properties. Apart from that, it also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Especially, if you drink the juice of this fruit regularly, you will get many wonderful benefits for the body.

Have you heard about Gokam fruit..? It is one of the fruits mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. Kokum Agal is very beneficial for our health. Cool and flavorful, this fruit has been used for centuries for its digestive properties.

The juice of this red colored and sour fruit is a wonderful refreshing drink for the body. Don't think of this fruit as an ordinary has a lot of anti-bacterial properties. Apart from that, it also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Especially, if you drink the juice of this fruit regularly, you will get many wonderful benefits for the body.

Immunity Boosting: If you get sick frequently and your immunity is weak, eat gokam fruit. Because this fruit is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It protects you from infectionDiarrhea problem: If you have diarrhea problem then eating kokam is very good. This is because it has anti-diarrheal properties. The juice of kokum fruit is boon to a person suffering from diarrhoea.Aids in weight loss: Kokum boosts metabolism. Since this gokum fruit is very low in calories, you can lose weight easily by eating it.Regulates Blood Sugar: Gokum fruit juice keeps the blood sugar level normal. Therefore, diabetic patients should drink the juice of this fruit regularly.

For heart health: Eating gokam fruit can also reduce the risk of heart related diseases. In fact, this fruit contains nutrients like vitamins, potassium, manganese and magnesium. All these help greatly in controlling heart rate and blood pressure.Helps Menstruation: Gogam agal helps regulate menstrual cycle and eases complicated menstrual conditions.Gokam Akal is not good for pregnant and lactating mothers. Also, people with significant skin allergies should consult a doctor before taking it.

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