Swati case: Delhi Police arrested Vibhav Kumar!!!

Swati case: delhi police arrested Vibhav Kumar!!!

Delhi police has arrested Vibhav Kumar in the alleged assault case with aam aadmi party (AAP) mp swati Maliwal. Vibhav Kumar's name is in the FIR of delhi Police. Now he will be interrogated further in this matter.

Delhi police has arrested Vibhav Kumar from cm Kejriwal's residence. He has been taken to Civil Lines police station. Vibhav Kumar says that he got information about the FIR through the media. At the same time, Vibhav Kumar has also complained to the police through email. Vibhav has appealed that delhi police should take cognizance of his complaint. Vibhav also says that he has not received any notice.

Swati Maliwal's medical examination confirms injury

Swati Maliwal has made serious allegations against Vibhav Kumar. swati Maliwal says that when she reached cm Kejriwal's residence, Vibhav Kumar misbehaved with her and beat her up. On the other hand, on the complaint of swati Maliwal, delhi police registered an FIR.

After the FIR, swati Maliwal's medical examination was conducted at AIIMS. In whose report it has been told that swati has injury marks on her left leg and under her right eye. swati has also complained of headache and stiff neck.

Raghav Chadha returned to Delhi

On the other hand, bjp raised the issue of swati Maliwal in a press conference on saturday and accused aam aadmi party of protecting Vibhav Kumar. As political developments are changing in delhi, Raghav Chadha has returned from london and he also reached cm Kejriwal's residence on Saturday.

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