QR code system will be implemented for cleanliness!!!

QR code system will be implemented for cleanliness!!!

Udaipur is famous worldwide for tourism and destination weddings, but the cleanliness system is lagging behind. An example of this is also the ranking of the year 2023. The rank was 122 in the year 2022, which slipped to 206 in the year 2023. The situation is still not improving. The administration of udaipur is worried about this. Divisional Commissioner Rajendra Bhatta even said that with the expansion of the city, cleanliness system is a big challenge. Common people are facing problems due to lack of proper cleanliness in the areas of udaipur Development Authority. At the same time, a negative image of the city is created among the tourists also. In such a situation, big decisions were taken to deal with these problems.

Actually, an important meeting was organized in udaipur regarding cleanliness and sanitation system. In this meeting, a meeting was held between the top officials of udaipur regarding the falling ranking in cleanliness of udaipur and improving the cleanliness system. Many suggestions were given in the meeting. udaipur District collector Arvind Poswal appealed to the people to be aware of cleanliness. Also asked to improve the monitoring system of cleanliness system.

Instructions and decisions were taken here

- To develop the habit of storing wet and dry waste separately, two green and blue colored dustbins should be distributed to every family.

During door-to-door garbage collection, instructions were given to store 100 percent wet and dry garbage in separate containers.

- QR code system should be implemented for monitoring the cleanliness system.

Under the QR code, if cleanliness is not being done properly anywhere, the public will be able to complain directly.

- Provision for imposing fine on the contractor on repetition of complaint.

- To complete the tender process for door-to-door garbage collection and start the work after following the code of conduct.

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