AP: Andhra leaders are uncultured.. especially Chandrababu..??

In telangana state recently, former cm KCR and current cm Revanth reddy both came and gave interviews to TV9. Key bjp leaders also came to tv9 and gave an interview. But that did not happen in Andhra Pradesh. tdp chief chandrababu naidu boycotted the channel after jagan gave an interview to TV9. Instead of giving an interview to that channel, he gave an interview to abn Andhra Jyoti, which was in his favor. Jana Sena chief pawan kalyan is also likely to give an interview to one of the yellow batch media channels tomorrow instead of TV9.
CM Jaganmohan reddy wanted to give an interview to his own channel sakshi but he did not do so instead he went to a neutral media where he shared his views. chandrababu naidu would have gained fame if he had given an interview through a neutral media, but it can be said that the dancing of tv9 giving an interview to his pro-media channel is a proof of his cultural inferiority.
I don't understand the logic of boycotting a neutral channel. tv9 does not favor any party. Many are questioning if it is right for Chandrababu to oppose it. The viewership of Chandrababu Naidu's interview was very low. Jaganmohan Reddy's tv9 interview got a record viewership. This means that this tdp leader is unable to attract people no matter how much he tries to favor him. Because of this interview, Chandrababu should not do any benefit except loss. jagan gave clarity on many things and impressed more people.

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