Operation Lotus was not successful in Himachal..?

Operation lotus was not successful in Himachal..?

Chief minister sukhwinder singh Sukhu said that today Sudhir Sharma is recognized because of Congress. bjp bought Sudhir Sharma. The public had sent the assembly for five years. The Chief Minister's pain was expressed over Sudhir Sharma's cross-voting in the rajya sabha elections. He said that BJP's Operation lotus was successful in maharashtra and Karnataka, but it was not successful in Himachal. He said that all the sold MLAs kept roaming in Panchkula, Rishikesh, and Gurugram.

After a month, he came to contest elections on a bjp ticket. The chief minister said that now the rate of Surkhi-Bindi should be increased. The chief minister said that all the former MLAs insulted public opinion. On the strength of public opinion, sukhwinder singh Sukhu, who came from a common family, has become the Chief Minister. He talked about respect for Sudhir Sharma. But Sudhir Sharma did not appreciate it. The chief minister appealed to congress to win all the four lok sabha seats.

Sudhir Sharma hit back at chief minister Sukhu

At the same time, Sudhir Sharma also hit back at chief minister sukhwinder singh Sukhu. He said that the chief minister is making such statements out of frustration. The chief minister is staying in Dharamshala for 10 days and talking about the Smart City Project. He said that it seems that the universe was created after Sukhu became the Chief Minister. Such statements are extremely ridiculous.

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