Heavy voting on grief- last rites of their loved ones?

Heavy voting on grief- last rites of their loved ones…?

In indian society, we have always heard that someone's death is such an event that even if the family members want to forget it, they cannot forget it. This is such an incident in the life of every person, which is difficult for anyone to control immediately. Despite this, in the first phase of the lok sabha elections 2024, two such cases have come to light from nagpur, maharashtra, in which despite the incident of death in two different families, the family members first cast their vote and then completed the last rites according to customs. A 39-year-old man resident of Tatya Tope nagar in nagpur died on the morning of april 10. Abhinav Karhu (39) was ill for a long time. Before performing his last rites, his mother Maithili Karhu and wife Shruti reached the Jupiter school polling booth and exercised their sacred duty of democracy, voting.

Voting national duty

While leaving the polling booth after casting her vote, his mother told news agency PTI, "Voting is a national duty."

Took care of the feelings of the deceased

Similarly, in another case, relatives of a 74-year-old man who breathed his last a day earlier forgot their grief and voted. Madanmohan Khemani (74), the second among five brothers, died in the city on Thursday. His brother Manoj Khemani said, "He always talked about the importance of voting. Hence, out of the eligible voters in our joint family, 27 people exercised their franchise today at the Bardhaman nagar polling station." Speaking to PTI, he said, all the members of the joint family took part in the Utthaan (post-death ritual) after voting. Let us tell you that in the first phase of lok sabha elections, voting was completed on five lok sabha seats including nagpur in maharashtra on Friday.

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