Jagan's sentiment: Jagan's most trusted Pawn..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Jagan's sentiment: Jagan's most trusted Pawn..!?
Usually, many politicians hire movie heroes as their drivers and personal secretaries. Anything related to them must be shared with those individuals. Once upon a time, there was a man named Sureedu who was a confidant of YS Rajasekhar Reddy. There is no trace of Sureedu Jade after his death. Many thought that his son cm jagan would keep Suureedu close.
  But cm jagan is keeping another person with him, not Sureedu. Wherever jagan is, that person is there like a shadow. He is involved in anything. He used to stay by Jagan's side in campaign meetings and deliver speech papers. So who is that person i.e. Nageshwar Reddy? He is known as KNR. jagan has been following him ever since he entered politics. In this way, jagan will always be a trusted pawn. Apart from that, it is said that jagan will come up with something if he is by his side. This person is from Kadapa, cm Jagan's own district.
He worked in many media organizations before coming to Jagan. It seems that he is also one of the people who joined jagan as a personal PA after he won as mp for the first time and was a bitter supporter of Jagan's sankalpa yatra and contributed a lot to Jagan's victory. In this way, Nageshwar reddy is Jagan's trusted pawn.

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