The philosophy of Mahakaal is incomplete without Shiva and Vishnu...

Madhya Pradesh’s new chief minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has given a big statement regarding former Chief

Minister shivraj singh chouhan and bjp state president vishnu Dutt Sharma. He said that when devotees go to

see Lord Mahakal, vishnu is also remembered along with Shiva. The darshan of Lord Mahakal remains

incomplete without shiva and Vishnu. Through this statement, he also highlighted the importance of State

President vishnu Dutt Sharma and former chief minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan among the common people.

It is noteworthy that as soon as Dr. Mohan Yadav was announced as the Chief Minister. After that, he touched the

feet of senior leaders as well as former chief minister shivraj singh chouhan and took blessings. In the speech of

Dr. Mohan Yadav, along with prime minister Narendra Modi, home minister amit shah and National President

JP Nadda, the names of State President vishnu Dutt Sharma and former chief minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan

also kept coming up again and again. He said that whenever a devotee reaches the temple for Mahakal darshan, he

says Om Shivay Namah. One must chant “Om vishnu Namah”.

Shivraj's data-face missing from hoardings

Without this chanting, the devotional presence in the court of Lord shiva is considered incomplete. After this,

Chief minister Dr. Mohan Yadav said that the people of madhya pradesh and the bjp organization are getting

guidance from both shiva and Vishnu. In Ujjain, hundreds of hoardings and platforms were made to welcome

Chief minister Dr. Mohan Yadav. The data-face of former chief minister shivraj singh chouhan was also found

missing from these platforms and hoardings. However, Dr Yadav kept praising former chief minister Shivraj

Singh Chouhan from all platforms.

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