Involved in exam irregularities, you will not get bail anymore!?

The karnataka Examinations Bill 2023 was passed in the Legislative assembly on wednesday to control irregularities and corruption in KPSC examinations. The legal noose has become tighter for those involved in public examination irregularities, including KPSC. Those involved in such crimes will no longer get bail. The karnataka Examinations Bill 2023 in this regard was passed in the assembly on Wednesday. home minister Dr. G Parameshwar gave an explanation about the Public Examination Recruitment Bill. In the past few years, tests have been hacked through various devices, including Bluetooth. Electronic devices are used in examination irregularities. The government is bringing a new law to prevent this. He said that if he gets caught in examination irregularities, he will not get bail anymore.

The illegality and corruption of public examinations in karnataka and the use of improper methods are rampant. This is hampering the progress of the youth of the state. The bill states that this illegal network is depriving the hardworking people of the opportunity by using new corrupt and improper methods to thwart the conduct of public examinations in a fair manner.

Leakage of question papers not only leads to distrust among the masses but also incurs considerable administrative cost to the state. Under the proposed law, stringent provisions such as imprisonment for ten years and a fine of up to Rs. Provision is made in the law for designating courts to try such offences.

Investigations of these offenses should be done by officers of at least DySP level. The Act provides for a punishment of five to ten years and a fine ranging from fifteen lakhs to ten crores. There is a possibility to confiscate their property if they repeatedly violate the examination. The bill has been passed in the House.

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