After Amrit Bharat Railway Stations and Vande Bharat Express trains, now indian Railways has released a new notification. indian Railways has announced that RRTS trains will henceforth be known as "Namo Bharat" trains. The Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) is the country's first rapid transit system between delhi and meerut, a project to connect the entire NCR (National capital Region). RRTS trains, India's first regional rapid transit system, will be launched tomorrow on 20 october 2023. indian prime minister Narendra Modi will flag off these services. In this case, indian Railways has announced the name of this train as 'Namo Bharat'. This RRTS i.e. Namo Bharat rail is being built to cover the entire National capital Region known as NCR. But the 17 km priority stretch of Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS route will be opened now. Notably, it will connect Sahibabad to Duhai depot via Ghaziabad, Kulthar and Duhai stations. It is noteworthy that the foundation stone of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut route was laid by prime minister Modi on 8 march 2019. This Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut route is being developed at a cost of around Rs.30,000 crore. Also, it is reported that it will be possible to travel from delhi to meerut via the urban centers of Ghaziabad, Muratnagar and Modinagar in less than an hour.