Corona vulnerabilities increase by 82% in one day??

S Venkateshwari
Corona vulnerabilities increase by 82% in one day??

Large-scale Corona relief centers are advised to be ready at any time.

In mumbai, the economic capital of India, the impact of the corona has risen sharply to a shocking 82 percent in a single day. chief minister Uttam thackeray has held urgent consultations with top officials on controlling the corona here. Yesterday's vulnerability was 1,377 and today's vulnerability has increased to 2,510. Following this, local staff began to engage in activities, including re-arranging oxygen cylinders and raising beds. The intensity of vaccination is being shown, especially among the elderly and children. chief minister Uttam thackeray has warned that public places will be closed till the 31st and stern action will be taken against those who violate the New Year guidelines.

Authorities are monitoring the situation with the help of CCTV to enforce the curfew. The government has warned that companies violating the rules will be locked up and sealed for a few months. Steps are being taken to vaccinate 15-18-year-olds from January. The mumbai administration has decided to pay the 3rd dose to health workers, front field staff, and senior citizens and is preparing a list of who they are.

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