The employee who was controversially fired for declaring hindi was the national language has been restored, according to Deepinder Goyal, the founder of Zomato. On october 19th, a tamil Nadu teen placed an order for food through zomato, a food delivery service. He protested to the company's customer service centre about not being able to finish the meal. In hindi, a zomato staffer responded. customers in tamil Nadu protest, saying, "Hindi is our national language." As a result, everyone should be aware of it.'
The topic of publishing this on customer social networking sites in tamil Nadu has sparked a lot of debate. Various protests were lodged by various parties.The employee was fired by zomato, which apologised for the incident. zomato has declared that the sacked female employee would be rehired. Deepinder Goyal, the founder of zomato, stated on his social media profile,
"Failure is a common mistake that might lead to your claim being refused. Tolerance in our country should be raised even higher than it is now. As a result, we will rehire the female employee who was fired. I don't want to fire him only because of this. In our customer service centres, there are youthful people. They were not great experts in questions of language and state at the start of their term. As a result, everyone of us must put up with the oddities of others. Simultaneously, one must respect the other's language as well as the feelings of the soil. tamil Nadu is as much a part of our hearts as any other state in the country."